First pages of "Strange happening in rio lobos"


  By Juan Carlos Álvarez

The characters and situations in this novel are the product of my mind, then, any resemblance to reality is purely 




“I’m at the hotel now”

“How was your trip?”

“Not bad”

“And the hotel?”

“The hotel is fine”

“It’s hot here”

“It’s really hot here, its unbearable having to work in the street during the day in this noisy city and with all those people!”

After a short pause Mimi continues.

“What are you doing now? Have you unpacked?”

Jack answers her looking at his suitcases.

“I’m lying down…  And I haven’t unpacked.”
“I presume you are not even going to think of getting off with some bad girl when you have such a good one here?  Don’t even think of cheating on me,” she said, half jokingly, half seriously.

“I don’t know what to do, whether to sleep, or go for a walk”, he said looking at the hotel room ceiling.

He was going to do both, sleep and take a walk.  Once he hung up the telephone, his eyes gradually began to close and he fell asleep for a few minutes.  When he woke, he remembered that his luggage had been in the same place since he had arrived from the airport and he slowly began to hang his clothes up in the wardrobe. 

“Man I’m tired, I should really get some sleep,” he thought.

When he finished unpacking, he took a shower and felt like a new man.  He put on some elegant sportswear and left his room. When he reached the reception he headed towards the receptionist.

“Good evening”

“Good evening, can I help you?”

“I’m going to take a walk”

“Can I give you any information?”

“Yeah…no, no thanks”

He left the hotel on Alcalá Street and after less than 100 steps he turned and strolled down Velázquez Street.  It was hellish outside and a thermometer outside a pharmacy read 38 degrees Celsius.  It was 9pm! Through his sleepiness, Jack thought about what he would do the next day, go to the Prado and Thyssen Museums or to the historical centre.  In his daydream, he arrived to Goya Street where he went into a cafetería, just because of the fantastic smell of good coffee that invaded the sidewalk.  He couldn’t resist the temptation of having a good coffee.  The caffeine would wake him up and half an hour later he would continue his walk like a new man.  He wandered down Velazquez Street and arrived at a bar with large windows that caught his attention.  There were a few tables outside on the sidewalk and many more inside full of “beautiful people” aged between 20 and 40 years old. 
The bar was called Lateral and when Jack saw the amount of beautiful ladies inside, he decided to go in.  He propped himself at the only part of the bar that was free and ordered a glass of Rioja wine.  He sat studying the people while a Filipina waitress studied him lustfully.  Jack noticed and smiled, and so she smiled even more and didn’t stop.  She continued to give him little glances the whole time he was in the bar. 
He stayed there eating tapas and drinking wine, watching and smiling at the pretty girls until around 1am and when he decided to return to his hotel in the opposite direction.  When he passed by the Wellington Hotel he saw an entrance to a place with a sign that said “Gabana” that had two well-built doormen outside.  One of them looked Cuban and the other, Eastern European. Jack walked towards the black guy.

“Is this the famous Gabana discotheque?” he asked.

“That’s right”, the doorman said with either a Cuban or Dominican accent.

“Where are you from?” the doorman asked.

“From the States, New York”, Jack answered.

“Do you wanna go in?”

“Sure, thanks!”

“It doesn’t really get going until around 2am, but you can have a few drinks till then.”

Jack smiled and went inside.  It was true what the doorman had said.  There was hardly anyone there.  A few couples, a few occupied tables.   The typical neon lights gave different iridescent tones to the barmaids’ faces and the seats and the carpets seemed to constantly change colour.  Jack went to the bar closest to the entrance where a barmaid, presumably American (who later turned out to be from Philadelphia) said to him in Spanish:

“What can I get you handsome?” she asked, over the beats of the house music that was playing.

“A Black Label with ice” Jack answered.

“Woo hoo!  That’s a good start to the night!”

They chatted for a while and afterwards, Jack sat at a table close to the VIP section which was still empty.  The time passed as he thought about what he was going to do the next day and he hadn’t noticed that the nightclub had slowly begun to fill up.  He ordered another Black Label from a passing waiter and unconsciously looked to his right and saw that three women aged about twenty-five were looking at him.  Seconds later the waiter came with his drink.  He swivelled the ice taking a sip, turned and saw that the three girls were laughing and looking in his direction, probably talking about him.  This went on for a while, long enough so that Jack could really study them properly.  The brown haired-girl was about 5’5” and pretty.  The black-haired girl was about 5’7” and prettier and the blond-haired girl was about the same height and even prettier.  Jack wondered whether or not to take the plunge and go talk to them. “They’re probably really uptight.  I don’t know if they’re worth it,” he thought.  Perhaps it was the mix of the whisky and the wine that made him change his mind.  As he walked towards them – with that ability that women have to intimidate – they began to turn towards him slowly, one by one, laughing with an almost melodic rhythm ending in all three of them bursting out laughing just as Jack reached them. 

“Hey!”  Jack said musically with a smile.

“Hey!” the three replied in unison also smiling.

Jack wondered whether to play dumb, joke around or begin normally and then change depending on the tone of the conversation.  He decided to go with the latter.

“My name’s Jack…”

“My name’s Marta” said the brown-haired girl.

“I’m Almudena,” declared the black-haired one.

“And what’s your name?” Jack asked the blond, thinking she would probably ignore him.

“My name’s Maria” she answered after a few seconds, staring directly into his eyes.

He went silent.  Jack wanted to continue talking, but he couldn’t stop staring at Maria.  He was in a daze.  He hadn’t ever remembered seeing such beautiful blue eyes coupled with such a pleasantly feminine expression.

“Marta and Mary, are you Lazarus’ sisters?” Jack asked, returning to the conversation.

“They are sisters, but not Lazarus’” Almudena answered.

“Wow! You’re sisters!”

“And proud of it!”  They both said hugging each other.

“Where do you come from Jack?”  Almudena asked, she seemed to be the confident one of the group, “by your accent I’d say you were English?”

“I’m from New York”

“Wow! A Yankee!” she exclaimed, “and what brings you to these parts?”

“My father is from Madrid, but he was four years old when he moved to New York.”  It was the first thing that came to mind.

“Our father is from Madrid too!”  Marta joked.

“And mine!” Almudena said sarcastically.

They all laughed.

“Well, shall we get a drink?” Marta said, for the sake of saying something.

“Would you like some champagne?”  Jack offered.

“Wow!” exclaimed Marta.

“Wow, wow!” repeated Almudena.

“What do you say?” Jack asked Maria.

“Wow, wow, wow!” said Maria, and the three girls started laughing uncontrollably.

Jack made a signal to the waiter and asked for a bottle of Moet et Chandon.  They sat down around a table waiting for the champagne.  Nobody spoke, there were only giggles between Marta and Almudena and looks between Jack and Maria, it was obvious that they liked each other.  When the waiter uncorked the bottle of champagne the three girls gave a cheerful shout of happiness as some of the bubbly spilled out.  They watched open-mouthed how the waiter filled the glasses; the people at the table next to them were also observing the merry-making.  They all made a toast and more or less all of them said “ahhh, that’s so good!”  After having their drinks, Marta and Almudena went to the restroom.  It was probably something normal, however Jack thought they had planned to leave him alone with Maria.  He doubted whether to dive into the deep end and make a move, or to take a smoother approach.  He decided to go for it, not knowing why, maybe because his subconscious was flirting with her and time was short as Marta and Almudena would be back at any time.  He went for it, head on.

“I think you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen in my life – she was a bit taken-back - your blue eyes, blond hair, sensual lips, your features, your body, your femininity, your pure sex appeal…I’ve never seen anything like it!”

Maria still said nothing.  They just gazed at each other and at that moment Marta and Almudena returned to the table.

“What’s going on here then?” Almudena asked as she saw the two.

The four of them said nothing.  Maria and Jack just stared at each other and Marta and Almudena stared at them.  All of a sudden Almudena got up and went dancing and Marta followed.

“Do you dance?”  Jack finally said.

“Yeah, I do” said Maria, and with that got up and joined the others on the dance floor.

Jack watched how well the three girls danced.  He tried not to be too obvious by looking at each of them at a time.  Maria danced with her back to Jack to relieve the tension a bit.  Marta and Almudena smiled while they danced and exchanged looks between Maria and Jack.  After a few minutes, and taking advantage of the fact the dance floor was filling up, Maria moved in front of Jack and made a signal to Almudena to ask Jack to dance. Jack didn’t notice as he was polishing off the champagne.  Almudena took Jack by the arm and brought him onto the dance floor.  They danced there for quite a while.  Maria was facing Jack, but as there were two guys next to her that were annoying her, she decided to move beside Jack instead.  Then the two guys started pestering Almudena and Marta, and minutes later Jack and Maria went and sat down.

“Would you like more champagne Maria?” Jack asked.

“No, thank you.  I’ll be drunk going home!”  She replied.

“Do you have to drive?”

“No, I’m going to walk home”

“So you live nearby?”

“That’s right” she paused, “so Jack, what’s a guy from New York doing all the way over here in Madrid?” she asked.

“Apart from sight-seeing, I’ve come to take notes for my next novel.”

“Ahh, you’re a writer!”


“Are you famous?”

“Not really I guess, you haven’t even heard of me,” he said smiling.

“Oh I’m sorry, what’s your full name?”

“I’m actually Jack Álvarez, but I write under the pseudonym Jack Nicholason, it was my agent’s idea. I’m called Jack, and my dad’s name is Nicholas…”

“Your name is almost the same as the Hollywood actor!”

“I think that’s why my agent chose it!”

“Now I remember…you wrote “Hell Train” and… “The Old Oak Mansion”…”

“Amongst others”

“And your photo is on all the books, and you look just as handsome in real life!”

Jack blushed, he didn’t think she was going to flatter him, and when Maria pointed out the fact that he was embarrassed she started laughing, and Jack followed.

“Is this your first time in Madrid?”

“I came here with my parents and my sister when I was fifteen. We travelled around Europe, mainly Spain and Italy.  My mom’s from Rome and she moved to New York when she was 4 years old, just like my dad.

“Wow, you’re a pretty cosmopolitan guy then”

“I have to be, if I want to continue writing, I have to travel”
“And I bet you leave a broken heart in every city you visit, don’t you?”

Jack smiled at Maria’s intentional question.

“It’s not always like that.  In some cities I leave two or three broken hearts” he said jokingly as Maria laughed.

Almudena and Marta were still fooling around with the two guys on the dance floor, perhaps to give Jack and Maria some time to talk.  But they weren’t talking anymore, they were just staring into each other’s eyes engrossed and now and again would look at the dance floor.

“Hey Maria, what was your life like as a teenager?” Jack asked out of the blue.

“Well, I don’t know, what do you mean?”

“I mean, the in-girls in Madrid, is that what they’re called?”


“Aren’t in-girls very narrow-minded and controlled by their parents?”

“My mother is from Argentina and she is the total opposite, and, she is a lovely mother, and she is very much in love with my father.” Maria said.

“Have I said something wrong?” asked Jack.

“No” she smiled.  “But it’s true that they are very  narrow-minded.  Anyway, I’ve travelled a lot and I studied in London and Paris”

“What did you study, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“I studied law here in Madrid and in Paris, and I did a masters in London.  I work with Goldman Sachs in London and now I’m on vacation” she explained, giving plenty of information as she had lots of questions for Jack.

“And do you go around breaking hearts in all these cities?”

“I just broke up with Patrick, a French guy who worked with me in Golman Sachs and he just left to go work for BNP in Paris.”

“Wow, I’m sorry” he said, although he wasn’t really.

“Oh well…  But enough about me,  Tell me about you Jack”

“What do you want to know?”


“Like what?”
“I don’t know… everything!”

Thinking that Maria would probably be interested in a lot of things about his life and New York, Jack gave her a pretty extensive biography.

“As I mentioned before, my father was born here in Madrid…in Chamberì.  My grandparents moved to New York in the time of post-war Spain.  My grandfather worked as an accountant and was able to educate his children.  My father is very intelligent and he studied law at Yale.  Then he got a job at a law firm in Manhattan where he became partner and made a lot of money, now he’s retired and he lives…well, my parents live in Miami Beach.”

“I was going to ask, and your mother?”

“My other grandfather started a pizzeria in  Little Italy in Manhattan and my mother studied piano.  She became a professional concert pianist.”

“Really?  I play the piano too!  I have a piano that my grandmother Paloma gave to me that she used to play when she was a child.”

“And are you any good?” Jack asked.

“Well, I can play Chopin, Beethoven and Mozart pretty well.  Hey Jack, how is it that you speak such good Spanish?”

“I studied Spanish at Princeton”
“Have you left your wife or girlfriend at the hotel, or did you leave her behind in New York?”  she asked suddenly.

Jack had been waiting some time for this question, he knew that sooner or later she was going to ask.

“Even if I did have a wife or girlfriend, I would leave her for you” he thought, but as this seemed a bit much, he decided to lie.  “You ladies don’t love me.  Intelligent and attractive men are the ones most loved by women and the most hated by men.  Men don’t hate me much, I’m a lovely guy!”

“You’re a lovely guy because you are intelligent, and very attractive!”

“You don’t say!” Jack exclaimed, truly surprised, he loved it when women like her flirted with him.

“You’re just the kind of guy that I like, intelligent, sensitive…”

“How do you know?”

“From your books.  Brown hair, green eyes or honey coloured no?” she said staring into his eyes.

“I don’t know” Jack said smiling.

“Handsome features…athletic…around 6ft more or less, and you know women like you!”

“Not as much as men like you! He said paying back the compliment.  “More champagne?”

“No, but if you order a whisky, I’ll help you drink it”


Jack called the waiter and asked for a Black Label.  They exchanged sips in perfect harmony.  They were there for a while watching Marta and Almudena and the group of vultures that surrounded them. 

“Jack, you being a writer you are politically left-wing, you voted for Obama and not Mc Cain right?” Maria asked suddenly.

“I’ll tell you one thing. The difference between left and right, or the reds and the fascists as you call them here, is that…let me give you and example.  Imagine two people are staying at the Palace Hotel or the Ritz and they are drinking expensive champagne and eating caviar on the terrace, and one of them reads in the newspaper that a raft with twenty or so sub-Saharan immigrants on board sinks and they all drown.  One says, “what a bummer, poor black guys” and the other says “fuck ‘em, they should have stayed in their own country!”  The first is a red and the other is a fascist, however both of them continue to drink champagne and eat caviar.  Basically that is the only difference between the two.”

“Okay, but anyway, are you left-wing?

“I’m a writer…”

“I understand.”

“And you Maria?”

“I’m like you, other people’s problems affect me, but I like to live well.”

At this moment, Marta and Almudena returned.  They had managed to escape from the vultures and interrupt the political debate.

“Maria, it’s nearly 4am, let’s go?”  Marta asked.

“It’s 4am already? Yeah we should go”  said Maria.

“You’re leaving already?  What will become of me?” joked Jack.  “Will you be back tomorrow?” he asked, directing the question towards Maria,

“I suppose, after all, I’m on vacation!”
The four of them went outside onto the street and Maria went up to the Afro-American doorman.

“Hi Richard!”

“Hi gorgeous, you’re leaving already?”

“Yeah” answered Maria.

“I’ll accompany you”  said Jack.

“There’s no need” said Maria, “we live in the building across the street and Almudena is going to stay with us tonight.”

The three girls crossed the street just as there were no passing cars, while Jack watched in silence as they went in through the main entrance of the building just across the street from the club.  He found they way the girls walked very erotic, especially Maria. 

“Cute eh?” said Richard.

“Excuse me?”

“They’re beautiful…”


“…and friendly”


Jack moved aside a few meters and thought about Maria.  “What a beautiful creature.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like it.  She’s beautiful, she walks so sexily.  She’s impressed me.  I think I’ve fallen for her!”  As he was contemplating all of this, a taxi stopped right in front of him.  A sculptured Afro-American woman got out of the car.  The doormen also stopped what they were doing to watch. “Fuck! Naomi Campbell!” Jack said to himself.  The photocopy of Naomi Campbell smiled at them and went inside the nightclub.

“You going to have another drink?” Richard asked Jack.

“I think so!” he answered as he started to walk down the stairs of the nightclub.

When Jack arrived at the first bar, the supposed Naomi Campbell was already getting a drink.

“Naomi, can I buy you a drink? Or even better, a bottle of champagne?” Jack asked.

“Sure, but, what did you call me?” she asked Jack, in Spanish, with a Brazilian accent.
“You’re not Naomi Campbell?”

“Ha! I wish!” she said laughing.

“Ah no?” Jack said confused.

“No.  My name’s Adriana” she said, holding out her hand.

“And I’m Jack, nice to meet you” he said shaking her hand.

“Nice to meet you too!”  she said.

Adriana was pure sensuality, a couple of minutes ago, Jack had felt like Romeo, and now he could only think about her.  Jack thought, “man, she is so hot! She’s amazing, the curves, her ass, she is to die for!” 

They had a bottle of Moet et Chandon at the bar.  Jack poured more for her, to get her in the mood and so as not to get too drunk himself, he had already had quite a lot to drink and wanted to stay lucid for the  possible challenge that lay ahead.  A crowd of inquisitive men began to gather around Adriana.  Jack went to the restroom and when he returned, the vultures had gotten to her, practically surrounding her.  He could hardly make his way through and had difficulty in retrieving his glass of champagne.

“Hey, let’s go somewhere less crowded” Jack suggested.

She thought that Jack wanted to dance and headed to the dance floor.  She began to dance sensually which made the vultures glances move towards her.  Jack, seeing what was about to happen, managed to move her into a quieter corner. 

“Where are you from Adriana?”  He asked.

“I’m Brazilian, but I live in the States.” She answered in English.

“Wow! I’m from New York” Jack began to speak in English too although Adriana’s English was about as bad as her Spanish. “Where do you live?”

“In Miami Beach”

“Miami Beach? My parents live there.  What part of Miami Beach?”

“South Beach”

“That’s where my parents live!  What street?”

“I don’t remember, I’ve only been living there for the past fifteen or twenty days.  We moved because of my husband’s business.  We used to live in Las Vegas.  I was a dancer and now I’m a kept woman.  And where do you live?” she asked before Jack could ask any more questions.

“I live in Manhattan, more precisely on the Upper West Side, do you know it?”
“That’s to the left of Central Park?”


“I know it, but not very well.  I know the area from Central Park onwards, Midtown and Downtown.”

At that moment, a reggaeton song started playing and Adriana grabbed Jack’s hand and dragged him onto the dance floor where they began to dance sensually with each other. The vultures’ senses were awakened again and began to watch them more and more closely.

“Do you like dancing like this?” Adriana asked with one hand on the nape of his neck, and the other hugging his waist, a little less than and inch separated their mouths.

“This reminds me of when I used to dance with girls all the time at parties, I must have been fifteen or twenty years old.  I loved feeling their breath on my neck and I would get really horny.”

“Do you want me to make you horny?” she asked.

Jack, seeing that there could be some conflict with the vultures said:

“It’d probably better if we leave, don’t you think?”

Adriana agreed and shortly afterwards they left the nightclub.

“Bye now, have a nice night!” Richard the doorman said cheekily.

Jack and Adriana limited themselves to a smile and a handshake and began to walk in the direction of Jack’s hotel.

“Do you want to get a cab Adriana?”

“There’s no need, my hotel is really close”

They walked playfully until they arrived at the NH Alcala Hotel, on 66 Alcala St.

“Here it is!” said Adriana.

“You’re kidding!”

“What’s wrong?”

“This is my hotel too!”

“Wow! What a coincidence! We’ll have to celebrate!”

“Of course!”

They went upstairs to room 111, Adriana’s room.  Once they were inside Adriana threw herself towards Jack and started kissing him passionately.  It was the beginning of a chain reaction, the Goddess of Love had lived to reign another night.  It was as if a gale force wind blowing, a cyclone, a hurricane a huge storm with thunder and lightening were all about to come together…They kissed, licked and sucked every inch of each other’s bodies in an immeasurable frenzy almost with the rock n’ roll rhythm of Chuck Berry and Van Morrison.  They made love in every possible place, in the bathroom, on the bed on the floor, up against the walls.. it was like a Karma Sutra practical class.

Exhausted after so much sexual hustle and bustle, Jack fell asleep on the bed lying completely naked on his back.  Suddenly, something that he first thought was Adriana’s hands and then realized was probably some kind of whip moved between his legs and inner thighs and then up to his genitals and slowly over his stomach up to his chest.  Jack smiled and out of curiosity opened his eyes to see exactly what was moving over his body.

“Get it off me!” he screamed, as he saw a snake approaching his face.

“Her name’s Salisa” said Adriana smiling as she took the snake away ably with one hand on it’s neck and the other on it’s torso. She took it off Jack’s body and gave it kisses.  “She’s not poisonous, she’s really friendly!”

Jack jumped up and away from Adriana and the reptile.

“Fucking hell!”

“What, don’t you like these little creatures?  They’re really sensual.”

“ I prefer traditional sensuality” Jack said as he got dressed quickly.

“You’re leaving?”

“I’m going to bed.  I have a busy day ahead of me.  I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“Don’t I get a kiss?”

Jack went to kiss her, but on seeing the snake still in her hands he decided instead to throw her a kiss from the doorway.

“Goodbye Salisa!” he said, trying to sound amusing as Adriana’s sides were splitting with laughter.


Jack woke up in the same position he went to bed in.  He opened one eye for a few seconds and then the other then closed both and remembered what had happened.  Images of the orgy came to his mind.  After he thought “It must be in my nature, my first night in this city and I drink and I have an affair!” He opened his eyes and looked at the time on his cell phone. 
“Fuck! It’s already 1pm!  I’m so dead!”  He said aloud as if there was someone else in the room.  “What will this chick be up to?  I’m going to call her” he thought.
 He lifted the receiver.
“Reception, how can I help?”
“Can you put me through to room 111 please?”
“One moment sir”
After a few seconds someone in room 111 answered the phone, Jack, without waiting for Adriana to say anything, began to speak…
“This is Paco”
“My name is Paco!” declared a clearly homosexual voice.
“But is Adriana there?”
“I’m all on my own, but if you want you can come and keep me company”
Jack hung up and called the reception again
“Reception, how can I help?”
“I’m looking for Adriana please, the lady who was staying in room 111.”
“That guest left her room today sir.”
“Well do you know if she’ll be back?”
“We don’t know sir”
“Okay, thanks.”
He thought for a moment. “What a bitch!” Her husband probably wasn’t here yesterday, arrived today got a whiff of the party that went on last night and taken her to a different hotel. “Oh well, what are you going to do?  At least I had a good time…”  Jack decided to get up and prepare himself for the plan that he had for the day. He was going to go to the Prado Museum and after if he had time to the Thyssen and the historic center.  His cell rang, it was his agent.
“Hey Salomon” he said smiling.
“Hey Jack, how are you? Writing much?”
“For now I’m dedicating myself to living the good life!”
“Listen Jack, we’re going to be in Madrid tomorrow.”
“Yeah Esther and I are going to Europe.  We arrive in Spain tomorrow.”
“Why?” Jack asked suddenly.
“We were jealous!” Jack didn’t answer. “”Hey, you there? Have you been to Toledo?”
“No, not yet”
“Don’t go, wait for us, we’ll go with you! I’m going to be tough on you, you’re there on holidays…”
“What’s up? Been partying a lot? You bastard!”
“When do you arrive?” Jack asked, to avoid answering.
“Tomorrow at 2pm, Spanish time.  I’ll call you when we get in, and the day after we can go to Toledo.
“Okay, fine Salomon, see you tomorrow then”
“You’re a man of little words Jack, see you tomorrow”
Jack was still feeling exhausted and hungover.  He had lunch at the hotel, fried eggs, bacon, a burger and salad, followed by a strong coffee.  Later, he went for a quiet walk through the Retiro park until he reached the Prado museum.  On his way he passed by a lake where loving couples rented rowing boats and went from one side if the lake to the other.  This made Jack think about Maria.  He felt that because of the affair with Adriana he had somehow betrayed her.  After, he thought “so Mimi has taken second place?” This kept him distracted as he watched a squirrel pick up an almond from the ground and take it up to the top of a pine tree.   He was shocked at himself, if the affair with Adriana had made him feel that he had been unfaithful to Maria and not Mimi, that meant he was more in love with Maria than he was with his wife.  But how was that possible?  He had only just met Maria.  It was probably just a crush, he thought.  Or was there more?  He arrived at the Prado museum and looking at the paintings made him forget about Maria for a while.  He was there for two or three hours looking at the paintings in the gallery and didn’t have time to go to the Thyssen museum, which annoyed him.  However he strolled down the Paseo del Prado through Neptune square and Cibeles square, thinking again about Maria.  Later, he went to the historic center, Sol, Plaza Mayor, the touristy area.  Jack was so tired that he decided to have some dinner and go to bed early and wait for the arrival of his agent and his wife.  Anyway, he didn’t think he was going to go to Gabana that night to see Maria, he preferred to leave the nighclub for another night.



Jack slept until midday.  He felt better.  He made all sorts of noises and movements when he woke up and he slowly went to the bathroom and took a shower.  He got dressed in sportswear again and plugged in his laptop and read his e-mails.  After, he looked at the weather forecast; it was going to be another very hot day in Madrid. 
“Fuck!” he mumbled as he saw the forecast.  “This is like Manhattan!”
Afterwards he turned off his computer and left his room.  He went straight to the reception.
“Good morning”
“Good morning sir” answered the receptionist without looking at him, he was busy doing something on the computer.  After a few seconds he looked up and said “what can I do for you today sir?”
“I’d like to rent a car”
“Certainly. What type of car would you like?”
“A compact please.  Which rental companies to you work with?”
“Practically all of them sir” the man at the reception looked at his computer. “Look, we have an offer from Avis for a compact, €240 for a week.
“And how much is it for two days?”
The receptionist looked at his computer screen again and said
“It’s not worth it, two days will cost you €220”
“Well it’s obvious then, I’ll rent it for a week.  Can you make all the arrangements?”
“No problem, and your room number is?”
“Mr. Nicholason” he said looking at the computer screen again.
“That’s right, I’m going to have some breakfast” he said walking away.
“One moment sir! What make of car would you prefer?”
“What makes have you got?”
“You can choose between VW Golf an Alfa 147  or a Fiat Bravo.”
“The Golf, preferably not the Fiat”
“Very well sir”
Jack ate in the hotel dining room.  After, while drinking coffee at the bar he received a call on his cell.
“Hey Salomon”
“Jack…We’re at the airport now”
“Do you want me to collect you?”
“No, we’ll get a cab”
“Listen, I’ve rented a car”
“Really Jack, there’s no need.  Listen, we’re going to the same hotel as you.  We booked it online.  Are you there now?”
“We’ll see you in while then. Bye jack.”
“Bye Salomon”
Jack went back to the reception.
“Is the Golf ready?”
“No, I’m afraid there aren’t any left sir.”
“Well I’ll take the Alfa then”
“I’m sorry sir, there aren’t any left either, it will have to be the Fiat Bravo”
“The last one I wanted!”
“That’s all they have sir”
“Typical, Murphy’s law!”
“Excuse me sir?”
“Nothing, I was talking to myself, that’s fine.”
A quarter of an hour later, Salomon and Esther arrived.  Jack was waiting for them in the hotel lobby flicking through the Madrid newspapers, El Pais and El Mundo.  He was so absorbed in his reading that he didn’t notice his agent and his wife arriving. 
“Jack!” Salomon said enthusiastically, hugging Jack before he had a chance to get up.
“Jack!” Esther said equally enthusiastically. “How are you? You look great! And Mimi?”
“She’s still in New York”
“She hasn’t come?” She answered her own question before Jack had the chance to say anything.  “Well, she must be really busy working on television.”
“Yeah that’s it Esther” Jack replied
“What a pain for her…well and for you, here alone.  You must be so bored”
“Yeah, I miss her, but hey, that’s life!” he lied.
“Of course, you don’t stop! Visiting monuments, thinking about your next book” Salomon said.
“Hey, how are your parents?” Esther asked.
“They’re fine, going strong.”
“Good old Claudia and Nicholas” said Salomon, “you look so much like Nicholas, except he’s bald of course!”
“He also has some of Claudia’s features” Esther said, “well Jack we’re going to go up to our room, we’re going to rest for a while, a long while, and then we’ll come down for a walk and dinner.  Or do you have better plans?”
“No, I’m all yours” Jack said smiling.
“Good man, and tomorrow we can visit Toledo.  I’ve reserved this great restaurant, it’s fucking excellent!”

“Fuck, what are you like Sal?”

Jack used the time that Salomon and Esther were in their room to sleep.  He was really tired, he didn’t know if it was the jetlag the going out or both.  In the end they didn’t go for a walk or dinner, Esther and Salomon were very tired.  They were around the same age as Jack’s parents, around sixty-five.  The only difference was that while Jack’s parents were both retired and living in Miami, Esther and Salomon still worked in Manhattan.


The Fiat Bravo left from the NH Alcala Hotel at 8am Sharp.  Jack drove, beside him was Salomon and Esther sat in the back.  They took the A42 highway to Toledo.  They estimated it would take them fifty minutes to complete the journey.  Jack thought about Maria in the few moments when Esther and Salomon weren’t making small talk.  Exactly fifty minutes later, they arrived to Toledo at the Bisagra gate.  They parked near the San Martín Bridge and began their visit of the imperial city. 
“I love this city, I came here thirty years ago.  I hope I like it as much, or more this time!” said Salomon.
The three of them liked the church very much as well as the San Juan de los Reyes cloister with its Elizabethan-style architecture and they commented on them as they left the monastery.
“It’s beautiful” said Esther.
“Anyway the prettiest part is the city itself” said her husband, “these types of buildings with old red brick, the medieval doors, the towers” he said admiring them.
They continued their walk and went to the synagogue where the old couple were amazed by the beautiful Greek paintings and inscriptions in Hebrew as well as its interior.  They were still amazed when they arrived to the synagogue of Santa María La Blanca.  This is where they were really impressed.  Salomon and Esther looked around them in awe like little children at the painted arches and splendid woodwork. 
“This is majestic!” Esther exclaimed.
“It gives me goose bumps! This is our history!” Salmon concurred.
Afterwards they went to church of Santo Tomé and saw the most famous painting by El Greco “The burial of the Duke of Orgaz”  Later they visited the Mosque of the Light of Christ where they were amazed by the Visigoth capitals and the domes of various styles.
“Are you taking notes for your book Jack?” asked Salomon.
Jack limited himself to a smile while Esther proceeded to give out to Salomon.
“Leave the kid alone Sal!”
“Thanks for the “kid” part!”
“But you’re only a baby! What are you, thirty…?”
“Exactly! A baby.  Why don’t we go eat? I’m tired,” she said with a yawn and looking at her watch, “it’s 1.15”
“I don’t mind” said Jack.
“Where’s the restaurant?” asked Esther.
“Fifteen minutes from here” answered her husband, “I’ll take you there.  Jack, you’re going to be licking your fingers!”
“What? You made a reservation?”
“Leave it to good old Sal! We’re going to a place that Robert Parker spoke wonders about”
“Robert Parker, the famous New York food critic?”
“The very same”
They walked through the narrow streets and passageways of Toledo admiring the buildings and above all the doors and balconies that they saw.  Salomon suddenly turned and went into what looked like a house which eventually turned out to be the restaurant. 
“Good afternoon” said the waiter.
“Good afternoon, I have a reservation for three people” Salomon said in bad Spanish.
“Under what name sir?”
“Salomon Newman”
The waiter escorted them to the table where they sat down.
“Do you like it Jack?” asked Salomon.
“I love it!”
“And you honey?”
“Me too!”
They had entered the Adolfo restaurant, right in the city center.  It was a beautiful place, an old 12th Century mansion with beautiful handicrafts from the 13th and 14th centuries. They ate until they reached bursting point.  Stuffed partridge, zucchini with tomato sauce and saffron, roast deer in a mushroom sauce and puréed potatoes, pigeon salad with brine, roast lamb and nuts, a cream cheese cake with pumpkin, saffron sponge cake with orange and chocolate ice-cream and sorbet, French toast with cinnamon, basil and marjoram, a chocolate and orange mousse, all washed down with some excellent Castilian wines.  And they ate everything.  After almost three hours in the restaurant, they went and saw the cathedral, the culmination of Spanish gothic architecture.  The Newmans loved the cathedral.  Salomon liked the baroque style, Esther liked the choir stand with the renaissance railings and Jack liked both.  When they finished, they sat on some wooden benches to rest for a bit and digest some more. This is where the Newmans started to go downhill.

“I don’t think we should see anymore.  I’m really tired” said Esther.
“To tell you the truth, so am I” her husband agreed.
“Whatever you want” said jack.
“It’s a shame not to see anything else but…”
Half an hour later they headed back.  The Newmans were not as chatty anymore and Jack’s subconscious driving back returned to thinking about Maria. “I’m going to go to Gabana tonight.  I need to see her.  This creature has me hooked!”
“Let’s go to the Prado and the city center tomorrow Jack” interrupted Salomon.
“I’ve already been to the Prado…and I want to go to the national library to look at some books” Jack lied, “You don’t mind if I don’t go with you?”
Salomon was about to say something but his wife interrupted him.
“Don’t worry Jack we’ll go alone.  You do what you have to do.”
“Fine” said Salomon giving him a pat on the knee.
The journey back took slightly longer than the journey there.  As soon as they arrived at the hotel Salomon and Esther went to their room and Jack, after parking the car did the same.  None of the three had dinner, they were still full after their massive lunch.  Jack took a shower and lay on his bed thinking about Maria, and without knowing why he looked at the phone in the room and remembered Mimi.
“Fuck! I forgot to call her.  I’ll do it later, I’m too tired now” he thought.
Just then his cell rang, it was Mimi.
“Jack!” she said, clearly annoyed.
“Hey Mimi! You must be psychic, I was just going to call you” Jack pretended.
“You used to lie better…Like Ingrid Bergman says in Casablanca” she said, totally pissed off.
“Mimi, it’s true!”
“It’s true that you haven’t called me back since you arrived”
“Come on Mimi, I can’t be calling you every hour”
“You got to Madrid three days ago!”
“Really? Then time has flown by!”
“What have you been doing?”
“I haven’t stopped since I arrived.  Seeing Madrid and Toledo, Today we went to…Did you know that Esther and Salomon are here? They said to say hello to you.”
“Hello to them too” she said dryly.
“”Don’t worry, I’m going to call you more often. I’ll have to put it in my diary so I don’t forget”, Jack thought.
“What are you thinking? You’re not saying much” asked Mimi.
“Nothing in particular.  What are you doing now?  What are you working on?”
Mimi was going to give a sarcastic answer, but decided to relax a little.
“I have to interview a woman who was married to a firefighter who died in 9-11.  Then she married another firefighter, a buddy of the first guy, and he died in an accident.  After she married a third firefighter, who when he found out about what had happened to the last two guys, freaked out and left her!”
“Fuck! That’s some matrimonial drama!” And didn’t she get a bit depressed after the third marriage rejection?” Jack asked jokingly.
“Well, yes she’s depressed…Jack?”
“Don’t cheat on me” she said suddenly
“But I don’t even have time!”
“And the necessity?”
“Not even”
“I’m sure when you are fooling around with some bimbo you completely forget about the hottie you have waiting back home.”
“I don’t need to fool around with bimbos to know how great you are”
“Until next time Jack, kisses!”
He continued to think about Maria and sometimes mixed images of Mimi with images of Maria and of Toledo and ended up imagining walking through Toledo with Maria like teenage lovers.  He waited impatiently for it to be night time, the perfect time for him to go to Gabana to have a drink and wait for Maria.  As he was walking to the nightclub he thought “this is crazy, it’s just a crush…I think it’s simply a question of my hormones, and her hormones and something in both that creates an enormous attraction between us.  It’s something that grabs us and subjects us to each other.  I think it’s true love.  None of the conventions, marriage, dating, time to get to know one another, all this philosophizing about love and relationships are of the highest importance to humanity, and it all comes down to hormonal attraction.”  After all this thinking, he eventually arrived to the door of the nightclub to where the same two doormen stood.
“Good evening” they both said in unison.
He went down the stairs and ordered a Black Label from the American girl at the bar closest to the entrance.  As there weren’t many people he began to chat to the barmaid for a while.  Little by little, the club began to fill, but there was still no sign of Maria and company.  Jack started to get impatient, images of the night he met her came to mind.  She continually appeared in his head like a scene from a movie.  He would sometimes smile, but this soon disappeared as his impatience grew.  Some girls tried to flirt with him, but Jack didn’t even acknowledge their presence and he left the club annoyed.  It was already a quarter to three.
“What’s up? Leaving already? No nice ladies?” asked Richard at the door.
“Not the one I like anyway”
“You mean Maria and the other girls?”
“It’s no surprise they’re not here”
“No surprise, why?”
“Didn’t you hear about her father?”
“What?” he asked, a little surprised.
“Her father died”
“What? Was he sick?”
“No, he died in an accident.  I don’t know much more than that.  It must be in all the papers”
Jack stuttered but was unable to speak.
“When did this happen?”
“Yesterday, I think, or the day before.  The doorman at her apartment told me that the funeral is tomorrow at the San Manuel and San Benito church just around the corner from here.”
Jack’s mind suddenly went clouded as if a weight had been put on his shoulders, thinking about nothing in particular, just emptiness.  His Mind had gone blank.  He got to his hotel without realizing he had walked all the way there with one intention, to ask the receptionist for the newspapers to see if there were any articles relating to the death of Maria’s father.
“Do you have yesterday’s papers?”
“Excuse me? We have today’s” said the receptionist pointing to the pile of newspapers.
Jack didn’t say anything and went and looked through the papers. He didn’t even know Maria’s surname, but in all the papers was the same funeral notice saying that “the funeral of Francisco Javier Castelló Ruiz would be held tomorrow at 7pm in the San Manuel and San Benito church.  Jack went to his room and began to drink the different liquors that he found in the minibar, whisky, champagne, cognac until he ended up snoring on his bed fully dressed.  During the short time that he slept, Jack dreamt about of Maria.  He dreamt that she was crying with her sister and her relatives and that he would go and kiss her and hug her and she would smile.  Jack spent the rest of the night reading and thinking about death after taking a shower for almost half an hour.  At 8am Jack was already in the hotel bar drinking coffee after coffee trying to wake himself up.  An hour later, he went to the Thyssen museum.  He only paid attention to the most important paintings, and when he saw a painting that didn’t interest him, he would think about Maria.  After, he went to the city center and went to various bars to have a beer and tapas.  He spent a few hours there until he decided to slowly make his was to the San Manuel and San Benito Church to attend the funeral of Maria and Marta’s father.


The church was so full that many people had to stay outside, and being early August and 7pm, the sun was melting the mercury of the thermometers.  But they soldiered on.  That’s the thing about funerals, people attend them with respect and loyalty.  Jack joined the crowd, from time to time he thought he could see Maria and Marta but he wasn’t able to locate them with so many people.  This is how he spent the hour-long funeral mass.  Only when the church began to clear was jack able to see Maria and her sister.  There she was, between her mother and Marta, all dressed in black from head to toe.  Jack thought it almost as if her suffering made her even more beautiful.  When there were few people left in the church, Marta gestured towards her sister signaling that Jack had come.  Maria was moved as she looked at him with a sweet and melancholic smile.  Jack was even more moved as her saw her smile, his eyes began to well up and a few bitter tears rolled down his cheeks.  He turned to wipe his tears as if he was ashamed of his emotions, but then faced her directly so that Maria could see that he was suffering for her although she was unable to appreciate Jacks empathy as there were still a lot of people, then suddenly, someone took Jack by the arm.  It was Almudena.
“Hi Jack” she whispered as she kissed him on both cheeks.
“Hi Almudena” he muttered.
“Let’s go outside”
Jack thought she wanted to tell him something, so he followed.  Outside, Almudena gave Jack a piece of paper with Maria’s name and cell number on it.  Jack was about to speak but Almudena beat him to it.
“We’re going to the cemetery now”
“To bury him?”
“No, to the crematorium, and in a few days time they are going to spread his ashes at their country farm, it’s what he wanted.”
“I think it would be better if I called tomorrow or the day after then.”
Almudena said nothing, she simply nodded with a smile.  Jack left to go back to his hotel as he walked feeling burdened.  He thought he had to control his feelings better, she was only some girl that he had met one night at a club.  However, on the other hand, some interior force made him unable to forget her.  It was then that he heard a voice.
It was Salomon who was walking behind him with his wife.  They all went inside the hotel together.
“You look tired Jack, are you sick?” Esther asked.
“No, it’s just that I’ve hardly slept”
“Really? Having problems?” Salomon enquired.
“No, I had too many coffees and started reading and thinking about death”
“About death?  Ha-ha! When you have the first draft, give it to me! I can’t wait! That’s my boy” said Salomon mistakenly thinking Jack had started his new book.
“You look exhausted Jack.  Come on, let’s go for dinner” said Esther.
They went to the restaurant.  As they ate, the Newmans didn’t stop talking about their visit to the Prado museum, the Thyssen museum and the historic center.  They even suggested Jack accompany them the next day to El Escorial.  Jack declined in case he saw Marta and Maria.  The pretext was that he had an appointment with a librarian who was going to give him information for his new book.  Esther and Salomon complained a bit but ended up accepting his excuses.  That night Jack slept better than the night before.  He was very tired and his subconscious had probably dealt with the shock of the death.  After all, it was someone he didn’t even know, his only link to the man was his flirtation with Maria.  This made him think that maybe it would be better to pay his condolences to Marta and Maria and forget about them, as was the norm in these cases. 
The next day as he was having breakfast, Jack continued to think about the same thing.  He should cool his relationship with Maria…Or maybe it would be better if she was the one to make the first move.  His head was a mess.  As soon as he thought one thing, he would think the complete opposite.  Amidst all of this thinking he finally decided to call her.  It was 10am.
“Maria” he said with his voice trembling as she answered.
“Hi Jack” she answered sweetly.  Jack imagined her beautiful sad face and it fascinated him.
“When can I see you? Do you want me to call over?” he asked without knowing what he was doing. 
“Of course Jack, thank you”
“I’ll be there in half an hour”
Jack went up to his room, brushed his teeth, applied some face cream, dressed in his best clothes and in half an hour was speaking with the doorman at Maria’s building.  He went up to the second floor and rang the bell. A few seconds later a maid in uniform let him in and brought him into the hallway to wait for Marta and Maria.  A couple of minutes later the two sisters appeared.
“Hi…I’m so sorry” Jack said in a serious tone.
“Hi” they both answered.
Maria and Marta kissed Jack on the cheeks and Jack hugged them close to his chest.  He was going to say something but one of them suggested they go into the living room.  They entered the beautiful enormous living room which had been decorated with mahogany furniture, a Persian rug that covered most of the floor and a gigantic antique chandelier as well as silk embroidered curtains that hung on the windows with balconies.  It was clear that the apartment was enormous and that it’s owners were very well off.  There was also an old grand piano in one corner of the room.  This was precisely the first topic of conversation and Maria, when she saw Jack admiring the piano she began to speak.
“My grandmother Paloma (my father’s mother) had her first lessons on that piano.  She gave it to me when I made my first holy communion because she knew how much I lived classical music. I had my first lessons on it too”
“How nice” said Jack
“Would you like some coffee, tea?” said Marta.
“Thanks Marta, I’ll have whatever you’re having”
They talked for almost an hour about the death of their father, childhood memories, and their father’s personality.  Jack didn’t ask many questions.  He thought it probably wasn’t the right time to be asking about details of the accident or anything else that might be sensitive to the young ladies.  After all, he had just met them.  As he was leaving, Maria told him:
“Tomorrow afternoon we are going to spread the ashes  in Matoso, the farm that has been in our family for generations, it’s was my father had always wanted…”to fertilize the plants” is what he used to say.” A warm smile came across her face as she remembered her father’s words.
“Where is the farm?” Jack asked
“In Oropesa, in the province of Toledo”
Marta and Maria’s mother, a woman of about fifty-five dressed in black interrupted suddenly looking for her daughters and when she saw Jack she said
“Oh, excuse me. Good morning”
“Good morning Ma’am” he answered.  Jack was impressed by the beauty and style of the girls’ mother.
“That was our mother” Maria said after she had left the room.
“A great woman, to have such great daughters” the three of them smiled.  “She seems to be handling it well don’t you think?”
“On the contrary, she’s distraught, but she hides it very well” said Marta.
“It’s as if as a child she was thought to hide her problems.  She suffered a lot during the Argentine dictatorship.  Many of her friends disappeared or died” Maria explained.
“And one of them was more than just a friend” Marta added.
“Wow… well I should get going” said Jack.
They accompanied him to the door and said their goodbyes.  That evening Jack was in no mood to go out.  He had dinner with the Newmans and told them that the next day he had to make a trip to gather information for his new book.  He went to bed early and slept peacefully like a baby, his conscience was finally calm.



Jack arrived in Parador de Oropesa in the late morning.  He had taken the A-5 highway, then exit 149 and detoured to Oropesa, just as the instructions he printed off internet had said.  He booked a room for the day.  He took a small suitcase out of the trunk of the Fiat Bravo and went inside.  Then he had a beer in the café which looked out onto the Gredos Mountains where he could see the peak of Mount Almanzor.  It was a clear day and the view from the balconies was beautiful.  As he drank, the waiter that had served Jack passed.
“Excuse me…” said Jack, “I seem to have lost the piece of paper where I had directions to a farm in the area on the way to the Gredos Mountains.” Jack lied.
“Do you know the name of the farm?” asked the waiter.
“There are a few farms with that name in the area.  Do you know the owner’s name?”
“Yes, Mr. Francisco Javier Castelló Ruiz” Jack said remembering the funeral notice in the papers.
“Ah Javier Castelló!”  The waiter thought for a moment. “Mr. Castelló’s farm is on the road to Gredos about five kilometers down, take a left and then a right.  It’s fenced off with a metal fence with barbed wire on the top, the prickly kind.”
“Okay, got it!”
“The house and the stables are on the left-hand side.  You can’t miss it!”
“Thank you very much.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Can I get another beer please?”
A few seconds later the waiter had returned with a beer and some chips.  He was accompanied by a waitress, a brunette with green eyes, very pretty.
“My colleague here wanted to ask you something, if you don’t mind”
“Go ahead!” said Jack.
“Is this you?” the waitress asked holding out one of Jack’s books pointing to his photograph on the back.
“It sure is!” he said smiling.
“Ah!” she exclaimed with excitement.
“Would you like me to sign it for you?”
“Yes please!”
“What’s your name?”
“To Pilar, best regards, Jack Nicholason” he said as he wrote in the first page of the book.
“How exciting!” she said.
“Did you like it?”
“I love it! I’m halfway through.”
“Then I won’t give away the ending then”
“No, don’t! Thank you very much” she said hugging the book to her chest as she left.  Jack and the waiter smiled.
“My name’s Enrique” said the waiter.
“Ah, nice to meet you”
“Mr. Nicholason, any doubts or problems that you may have you can count on me…well and Pilar.  It would be our pleasure to help in any way we can.”
“Thank you very much” said Jack, slightly taken aback by all the attention.
“You’re welcome”
The waiter was about to leave when Jack stopped him.
“Hey Enrique”
“Yes Mr. Nicholason?”
“What time does the restaurant open at?”
“In about fifteen minutes sir”
“Thanks Enrique”
“You’re welcome sir”
Jack hurried his beer with the intention of leaving as soon as possible to go look for the farm according to Enrique’s directions.  He was so distracted that Enrique startled him when he said
“Mr. Nicholason, you can go into the restaurant now”
The food was very good.  He had scrambles eggs with pisto to start, followed by flame grilled steak with peppers and sea-salt and a good bottle of Rioja wine.  After he had a coffee while looking at the beautiful gothic arches in the restaurant and out onto the view of the Gredos Mountains and the area more or less where the farm would be situated.



After having a long nap and drinking the strong coffee that Pilar served him at the bar, Jack got into the Fiat Bravo and headed in the direction of Matoso.  He didn’t get lost on the way.  He followed Enrique’s directions to the letter and after a few minutes he came across the farm.  Jack drove down a long dirt road on the left and stopped the car.  He looked to his right and saw a herd of sheep that was taking shade under the hundred-year old oak trees, some of them couldn’t take it anymore and went out into the sun to graze.  He turned to look the other way and saw a herd of black, white and brown cattle.  Some of them were grazing by the edge of a stream and others were eating the leaves of the ash and willow trees.  There was a calf feeding with its mother, the other cows mooed and swung their tails trying to get rid of the flies.  The farmhouse could be seen in the distance, so Jack decided to get back in the car and drive some more.  Before he continued, two dumper trucks passed on the same dirt road as Jack, which caused an enormous cloud of dust to cover a large part of the area.  When the dust began to settle Jack started the car.  He lost the trucks a few kilometers down where they turned off into a quarry or mine that was in the area.
Jack stopped about five-hundred meters from the houses.  He couldn’t see very well as there was a kind of thick fog. Jack thought “how is it possible for it to be foggy in summer on such a hot day like this?”  After, he realized, what he had first thought was fog, was actually a dust cloud that was being made by a John Deere tractor that was ploughing a nearby field not far from where Jack had stopped.  The tractor then headed towards a group of houses and Jack could finally see the distribution of the farm buildings.  The big main building was made of stone and was surrounded by a fence, this was probably where Maria, Marta and their mother were staying.  Surrounding the main house were smaller white-washed buildings as well as garages and stables.  Geese moved between the buildings with their chicks as well as ducks and chickens.  Two big sheepdogs were chained near the main house.  Suddenly, the door of one of the stables opened and the Maria and Marta came out on horses.  The first horse was probably their father’s thoroughbred and the second a black mare.  The girls had chosen their father’s favorites.
When they arrived to the entrance of the main house, their mother appeared at the door with what looked like an urn which probably had their father’s ashes inside.  Maria took the urn, still on her horse and spread a fist of ashes along the ground and alternated with Marta who repeated the process.  They did this for a few minutes while their mother watched the ceremony unmoved.  They rode quite close to Jack, but they didn’t see him as there were lots of bushes and trees.  Maria’s horse startled, perhaps because of a snake or lizard and she shouted
“Easy Fabrizio!”
“Fabrizio…fuck!  He has the same name as my grandfather” Jack thought
The girls continued their path. Jack was completely enthralled watching Maria, so much so that he didn’t notice a Land Rover pull up beside him.
“Hey you! This is private property!” shouted a man from the other side of the fence in a Peruvian accent.
“Oh sorry, I was just leaving!”
Jack left and on the way back to the guest house he thought about how beautiful Maria was.  At one point Jack even got jealous of Fabrizio.  After parking the car, Jack went up to his room and called Maria who had just gotten off Fabrizio when her cell rang.
“Hi Jack…”
“Hi Maria..”
“Where are you?”
“I just saw you spreading your father’s ashes with your sister”
“What?” she demanded
“I saw how you spread them riding Fabrizio…” There’s silence.  “Are you still there?”
“Let me buy you..the two of you a coffee in the Parador de Oropesa” Jack said changing the subject.
“So you are here in Oropesa?”
“I couldn’t resist the temptation”
“Didn’t you have anything better to do?”
“Of course not!” they both laugh, “so do you accept or not?”
“We’ll be there in half an hour” she says, without consulting with her sister first.
Three quarters of an hour later, Enrique was serving coffee to Jack, Maria and Marta.  Pilar was very happy to see Jack again, but when she saw the other two girls she got jealous and avoided their table.
“Do you want to tell me slowly what happened? What do you know about your father’s accident?” Jack began.
“Why do you want to know? I’d prefer to let sleeping dogs lie” said Maria.
“I don’t know, to see if there are any loose ends”
“What do you mean?” asked Marta.
“I don’t know, forgive me.  Maybe it’s the writer inside me that needs to know all the details.”
Both girls looked at each other as if to ask who was going to start talking.  Marta began.
“My father had gone to the province of Soria and was found in a place called the Ríos Lobos Canyon, and for whatever reason he fell to the bottom of the canyon and was bitten by a snake in the neck…He could have died either from the fall or the snakebite, it’s impossible to say.”
“How do you know?”
“That’s what the autopsy report said”
“And do you trust this report one-hundred per cent?”
“One of the forensics was a cousin of my father’s”
Jack thought for a moment.  “I’d like to see this place and draw my own conclusions”
“What conclusions? What does it matter to you?”
“I’m sorry, I don’t know..maybe it’s writer’s morbidity.  Besides, it might be good material for my next book.” He lied.
“Oh really?”
“Could you tell me where it is and how to get there?”
“I don’t know the area very well” said Maria.
“Me neither” said Marta.
“But we can find out can’t we?”
“And when were you thinking of going?”
“Tomorrow or the day after”
“Now I remember, Almudena has been there. I´m going to call her.
Maria takes out her cell and calls, Almudena takes a while to answer.
“Hey Almu….”
“Hi Maria…” sounding as if she has something in her mouth, Maria guesses she is kissing someone.
“Did you get back together with Javier?  Didn’t you say that that was water under the bridge and that you weren’t going to suffer anymore because of him?”
“I’m hooked, I’m only human you know, I have my needs!”
“That’s your problem, whether I understand it or not.  Hey Almu, how do you get to Rìos Lobos?”
“Why are you going there? To suffer more?”
“You’re asking me?”
“Oh fine, do you have a pen? Ok you take the A-1 in going in the direction of Riaza, then you pass Ayllón, then El Burgo de Osma and well, from there you ask for directions.  I know how to get there but I can really explain it very well, you know what we girls are like with directions!”
“Did you get all that?”
“Yeah, say hi to Javier!”
She hangs up.
“Well, now we know how to get there” said Maria.
“Listen Maria, I think you should go with Jack” said Marta.
“What, and mom?”
“I’ll stay with her”
“And what do we tell her?”
“We’ll lie, we’ll say you’ve gone somewhere with Almudena.  We’ll let Almu know first so she doesn’t put her foot in it.”
“But…” Maria doubted, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to go see her father’s death place or go alone with Jack.
“I think it’s better if I go alone” said Jack.
Maybe it was Jack’s sensitivity that made her change her mind.
“No, I’ll go with you Jack” she said.
Jack called Pilar over to the table.
“Can we have the bill please?”
Now Maria was the jealous one, however Pilar was still annoyed and told Enrique to get them their bill.  When Jack was paying, Maria gave Pilar a look of jealousy.  They went outside onto the renaissance style patio and decided to plan the trip.

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